Month: September 2020 Page 2 of 6

Ending The BLM Movement

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an excellent article on BLM, its beliefs, its narratives, its lies. It lays out what we should do to counter this invidious organization and the movement it spawned. I was not familiar with Peterson’s work but was referred to it by Heather Mac Donald. Now that I’ve read this essay I will subscribe to the American Mind, a Claremont College magazine he is Editor. He publishes links to several other papers that deal with aspects of this issue. I urge you to click on them to get a better understanding of this organization and the movement it spawned.

Blue Truth Matters

Harvey’s Introduction

This essay by Heather is a response to another article, which I’ll post, on dealing with the BLM organization and movement. (The other article is by Matthew Peterson, titled Ending the BLM movement). Heather deals with refuting false narratives with facts, particularly the narrative that police target and discriminate against black people. She has written extensively on issues relating to race and policing. A wonderful scholar. You can google her or the Manhattan Institute and read her other work.

Numbers Related to the American Dream

Harvey’s Introduction

Conventional wisdom is that the American Dream is fading for this generation of Americans. Conventional wisdom is wrong. Part of the reason for being wrong is that the CPI seriously overstates inflation. Part of the reason is politicians and media push a false narrative to denigrate the benefits of free markets and capitalism. Here is a brief counter to that narrative by an important scholar at the American Enterprise Institute

Supreme Court Follies

Harvey’s Introduction

The article explains how we got where we are with nominations of Supreme Court justices. Most importantly are the actions of the Supreme Court itself in becoming a super legislative body starting with the Roe vs Wade decision. This raised the stakes for picking judges who often gave Progressives laws they couldn’t get passed through legislators. Ted Kennedy raised the stakes with the nomination of Robert Bork and the subsequent power grabbing steps of eliminating the filibuster on appellate judges by Harry Reid. Now the Democrats are threatening to pack the court and add two Democrat states to the union.

A Jobs Bill That Boggles The Mind

Harvey’s Introduction

I wrote this opinion essay for the WSJ in 2011 to describe what I thought were inconsistencies within what President Obama called a jobs bill. Its intent was to stimulate the economy after the initial $1 trillion stimulus package failed to do so. He recognized that the recovery was not going well but his recommended solution was both wasteful and counter productive.

A Populist Argument For Eliminating The Corporate Tax

Harvey’s Introduction

This article was written early in President Obama’s second term. It points out that the Obama claim of a great recovery was wrong; the recovery was miserable. It also argues that his program for improving the economy was not working and would not work. Finally, It argues that the best way to help the economy is to eliminate the corporate tax entirely or, at least, lower the rate to competitive international levels. This finally got done in the Trump tax code revision but the cost of getting this benefit was reducing the tax burden in other areas that would have little economic impact.

How The Obama Recovery Went Wrong

Harvey’s Introduction

I wrote this article about 3 years into Obama’s first term when I got tired of the press narrative and Obama’s boasting about what a great job he did in dealing with the financial crisis. This article shows he actually did a fairly rotten job.

I Vote No Confidence in Congress

Harvey’s Introduction

I wrote this at the beginning of Obama’s first term in office. We were at the beginning of the financial crisis and I had little faith in what Congress would do to deal with the economic crisis. In this essay, I defined what I thought Congress needed to do. As I re-read this essay now, I think my suggestions are still valid. I guess the behavior of our elected officials has not improved in the last 12 years.

Globalization: Pros and Cons

Harvey’s Introduction

During one of the perennial debates on the pros and cons of globalization, I wrote this essay on the benefits of free trade. I still believe in the points I made then. I also believe the U.S. needs to take strong action to deal with unfair trade practices and forced technology transfers.

Optimal Corporate Tax Rate: Zero

Harvey’s Introduction

I’ve written a lot about our tax system and this essay deals with one aspect of our tax code – corporate tax rates. The left thinks corporations “do not pay their fair share”. Of course, their fair share is never defined. I argue that the best corporate tax rate would be zero; that would have a huge, beneficial effect on our economy. It would only be bad for politicians.

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