
In an interview with a friendly reporter, Biden was asked if he would lock down our economy if Covis started spreading again. He said two interesting things; first that he would listen to the experts and follow their advice and second that saving every life is important. I don’t know whether he believes what he said or just said it because he thinks it will sell, but his response says a lot about his decision-making process – and it ain’t good.

Leaders have to make decisions based on assessing various risks and then making judgements involving trade-offs. The essence of leadership is deciding, not in handing the decision to experts. Almost by definition, experts have narrow expertise and apply limited criteria. And, experts often disagree. So, which ones will he believe? His willingness to abdicate decisions to experts ought to be alarming to everyone. Just think about the evolving nature of this pandemic and the often conflicting advice we have gotten throughout this pandemic,

His judgement that saving lives from Covid is the most critical factor in his thinking? What about increased suicides, drug overdoses, deaths from other causes because of deferred medical treatment, reduction of vaccine use for a host of other medical condition? What about the lost jobs, lost wealth, inability to cope with the restrictions? He doesn’t understand the real nature of how leaders have to decide. He doesn’t know how to weigh risks. He doesn’t understand the limitations of experts. His is a leadership model for failure.