California’s Radical Indoctrination

Harvey’s Introduction

This is how deeply the indoctrination of our children is going as reported in a Wall Street Journal editorial.. We need not only to have school choice but also control over the curriculum. Its dangerous for our nation and wrong in its content.

BLM Objective: Destroy America

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a good summary of what Black Lives Matter (the Organization) is trying to accomplish and what it means for the rest of us.

Democrat Strategy For Biden In Some Danger

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a revised post from Facebook I wrote several weeks ago pointing out how the Biden strategy came to be and what might go wrong.

Protecting The Products Of Liberty

Harvey’s Introduction

Andy Smarick wrote an interesting essay covering liberalism, liberal institutions and their relationships. Somewhat academic, but very thoughtful.

Defense of Liberalism

Harvey’s Introduction

Here’s a calm short essay defending liberalism. Unfortunately, her definition is not what prevails in what is the now progressive, anti-intellectual, anti free speech, intolerant leftist democrat party. There may be some liberals left in the party, but hey’re being cancelled and silenced too.

A Brief Moral Case For Capitalism

Harvey’s Introduction

A short essay by Jim Pethokoukis describing why capitalism is a moral good. Well worth reviewing because of all the nonsense about how capitalism is evil. just ask any college student.

For Whom Should Corporations Be run

Harvey’s Introduction

Glenn is Dean of the Columbia Business School and one of my favorite economists. He wrote this with a colleague dealing with the question about who a corporation is responsible to – shareholders, or more broadly, stakeholders. I’m on the side of – “corporations’ job is to create long-term value for its owners.” To do that effectively, it must consider doing well for employees, customers and the broader community, but serving those constituencies is not the corporation’s objective; it is a requirement for succeeding in business.

Update on the Economy

Harvey’s Introduction

The latest job report shows the economy is coming back. You wont see this number in the media. Ill leave this entry up for a while, then delete it.

How to Make the U.S. Into a Communist Eden

Harvey’s Introduction

This video actual was filmed about 60 years ago when there a lot of concern about Communist influence in the U.S., influence based on exploiting the division between blacks and whites in our country and scratching at the evils of racism as a way of instituting Socialism as a step toward Communism. If you ignore the picture and sound quality you would think this speaker is talking about what’s going on today in our streets and in our policy fights. History first comes as strategy, then as farce.

Analysis of New Fed Monetary Policy

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a good technical analysis of the Fed’s announced new policy. For the non economist, it’s a difficult read. Try it anyway, you’ll learn a lot

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