Current State of the Presidential Race

Harvey’s Introduction

This is one of my posts on Facebook about the state of the Presidential race and the change in Biden’s strategy

How New York Law Shields Public Employees From Accountability

Harvey’s  Comment

This essay is a reasonably thorough analysis about how New York laws unreasonably protects ineffective public employees from discipline or termination.  These very bad laws are the result of the huge political influence of public sector unions, who negotiate their contracts with the same people they support politically.  That is why public sector employees now enjoy higher wages, better health and retirement benefits, more overtime, and almost total job security.  Public sector unions should not exist; they should be banned in every state and municipality in the country.

Biden’s Leadership

Harvey’s Introduction

This is one of my posts on Facebook on one aspect of leadership as practiced by Joe Biden

“Oxford will not rewrite history”

Harvey’s Introduction

The letter is actually a fake letter that was never written by the Chancellor, but it is such a good example about how at least this element of counter culture ought to be handled by university leaders I had to include it.

How the Recovery Went Wrong

Harvey’s Introduction

I wrote this editorial about the Obama economic recovery three years after he was elected to his first term. At the time, he commented continually how he inherited the worst recession since the 1930’s and how well his policies were working. He ignored the fact that, by definition, every recovery after a recession reflects economic growth. He also ignored the assistance given by the Federal Reserve with historic low interest crates.

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